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What’s next for e-fuels?

1 year ago

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Steve Sutcliffe | Journalist


18 April 2023

The Ruta del Fin del Mundo at Chile’s southernmost tip is not, despite its epic name and location, one of the world’s great driving roads. Much of it is arrow straight, and although it undulates gently across a landscape that’s eerily spectacular, the road itself is nothing special. Around 70 per cent of it is gravel.

Translated literally its name means The Road to the End of the World, beyond which the next thing you come across is Antarctica. It’s as far south as you can go before the sea, and eventually large chunks of ice make driving a little bit more awkward.

But it is one of the more significant pieces of road you can drive on right now because, somewhere along its length, you’ll come across the world’s rarest fuel pump.

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