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Our Cars: Caterham 7 Super Sprint

The Seven has been costing Andrew Frankel money of late. Does he resent it? Only a little

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Caterham reveals stunning EV sports car

The Project V is a concept for now, but you can expect it to reach production soon with almost 270bhp, writes Andrew Frankel

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Caterham goes electric

The EV Seven is a concept for now, but it seems very likely a showroom model will arrive before too long. Andrew Frankel has the details

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Caterham 420 Cup review

This is the most singularly focused Caterham road car ever to be offered for sale. But is that necessarily a good thing? Andrew Frankel is far from sure

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Caterham 170S

Caterham has a new entry-level model that looks and sounds a lot like an old entry-level model. Remember the 160S, the car that came with the powertrain from a Suzuki microvan...

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