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Our Cars: Peugeot 106 Rallye

A simple one day job has turned into a somewhat more extensive rolling restoration. But that was always going to happen, concedes David Twohig

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Almost Great: M100 Lotus Elan

It was light, innovative, fast and great looking – all the things a Lotus should be – yet the 1990s Elan reboot still failed. David Twohig thinks he knows why

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Breakthrough: The overhead camshaft – Part two

More air into a cylinder and a greater volume of exhaust gas out means more power. Hurrah! David Twohig explains how double overhead cams came to be

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Breakthrough: The overhead camshaft – Part one

In part one of this feature about valvetrain development, David Twohig explains the importance and origins of the overhead camshaft

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King of the Hill

Want the undivided respect of the local population on your next ski trip? David Twohig on what you should, and absolutely should not be turning up in

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The world’s first operational jet fighter

The Messerschmitt Me 262 was an aircraft so revolutionary it had the potential to change WW2 in the air. Thankfully, says David Twohig, it never came to that

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Tesla’s greatest innovation

Contrary to what you might think, Tesla’s greatest contribution to the auto industry is not the cars that it builds, argues David Twohig

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Almost Great: BMW i3

It once looked like the future, but with no direct successor was it really a road to nowhere? David Twohig adjudicates

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