3 years ago
Time was (and I remember it well), you could phone up Volkswagen’s R&D director and ask him for help with an obscure technical point. Admittedly Prof Ulrich Seiffert...
By Andrew English
4 years ago
Even before it began it looked like it could be the most exciting Le Mans in years. Then it started to rain… Andrew Frankel went to soak up the unique atmosphere of the world’s greatest race
By Andrew Frankel
8 months ago
Before he became famous, Ian Callum designed cars in Australia, falling in love with the country and its now sadly lost car industry
By Ian Callum
2 years ago
He may be a genius, but that’s just where his strengths start. Edd Straw says to pigeon-hole him so narrowly is to misunderstand both the man and his role
By Edd Straw
1 year ago
They really should have charged another £3000. Anyone happy to lay down the requisite £552,000 (once you’ve added VAT at 20 per cent) surely wouldn’t have quibbled...
By Henry Catchpole
When I was young, I was taught a mantra that has stayed with me ever since. I’m not sure I believed in it then and I certainly don’t now, but it has a seductive quality...