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The art of the cornering shot

They’re the shots readers want to see most, and car journalists want to do least. Colin Goodwin explains

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Tesla’s greatest innovation

Contrary to what you might think, Tesla’s greatest contribution to the auto industry is not the cars that it builds, argues David Twohig

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How To Drive: With downforce and slicks

Even if you’ve never tried, we bet you’ve often wondered. Steve Sutcliffe will make you wonder no more

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Road America: The magic of the desert

A young man, an empty desert road, and 530bhp of twin-turbo Porsche. Sam Smith recalls a drive never to be forgotten nor, indeed, repeated

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Blunder Buses: Chevrolet Volt

Sometimes the right idea at the wrong time can be as bad as the wrong idea. Such was the case here, says Richard Bremner

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The devaluation of power

The advent of EVs means power is cheaper than ever. But is it still worth it? Andrew Frankel tries to see both sides of the argument

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From the Library – My first months at Jaguar

When Ian Callum joined Jaguar in 1999 he found a company tied to its past with no unified view of what a modern Jaguar should be. That all had to change

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Testing, testing, 1, 2… bang!

These days performance testing cars is quite a safe way to earn a living. It wasn’t always like that, recalls Andrew Frankel and others from the Ti team

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