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Record road trip: Part two

4 years ago

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Peter Robinson | Journalist


9 August 2021

As we pick up the story again, Peter, Steve Cropley and their Alfa Romeo are just one third of the way into their epic attempt to drive across the Australian continent from Sydney to Perth in less than 30 hours…

Our arrangement for the second pitstop in Port Augusta was the same as the first, but there was nothing to check, so we pulled up alongside the service Alfa. Three faces peered out of the car as we drew alongside. No, we said, there’s no trouble, the car’s running perfectly, everything’s okay and thanks heaps. They smiled broad Italian smiles, wished us luck, and set off on the 190 miles back to Adelaide, the Cropley resolve strengthened by their enthusiasm. Port Augusta dealt us the only heavy traffic we’d seen so far. It also brought our fifth traffic light.

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